

A hasOne relationship is a "one-to-one" relationship. For instance, a User entity might have an UserProfile entity attached to it.

// User.cfc
component extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" accessors="true" {

    function profile() {
       return hasOne( "UserProfile" );


The first value passed to hasOne is a WireBox mapping to the related entity.

Quick determines the foreign key of the relationship based on the entity name and key values. In this case, the UserProfile entity is assumed to have a userId foreign key. You can override this by passing a foreign key in as the second argument:

return hasOne( "UserProfile", "FK_userID" );

If your parent entity does not use id as its primary key, or you wish to join the child entity to a different column, you may pass a third argument to the hasOne method specifying your parent table's custom key.

return hasOne( "UserProfile", "FK_userID", "profile_id" );

The inverse of hasOne is belongsTo. It is important to choose the right relationship for your database structure. hasOne assumes that the related model has the foreign key for the relationship.

// UserProfile.cfc
component extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" accessors="true" {

    function user() {
        return belongsTo( "User" );



HasOne relationships can be configured to return a default entity if no entity is found. This is done by calling withDefault on the relationship object.

// User.cfc
component extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" accessors="true" {

    function profile() {
       return hasOne( "UserProfile" ).withDefault();


Called this way will return a new unloaded entity with no data. You can also specify any default attributes data by passing in a struct of data to withDefault.

// User.cfc
component extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" accessors="true" {

    function profile() {
       return hasOne( "UserProfile" ).withDefault( {
           "showHints": true
       } );



Returns a HasOne relationship between this entity and the entity defined by relationName.


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