Interception Points

Quick allows you to hook in to multiple points in the entity lifecycle. If the event is on the component, you do not need to prefix it with quick. If you are listening to an interception point, include quick at the beginning.

If you create your own Interceptors, they will not fire if you define them in your Main application. quick will be loaded AFTER your interceptors, so the quick interception points will not be registered with your interceptor. This can be solved by moving your interceptors to a module with a dependency on quick, of by also registering the quick custom interception points in your main coldbox configuration.


Fired after dependency injection has been performed on the entity and the metadata has been inspected.

eventData structure


Fired before attempting to load an entity from the database.

This method is only called for find actions.

eventData structure


Fired after loading an entity from the database.

eventData structure


Fired before saving an entity to the database.

This method is called for both insert and update actions.

eventData structure


Fired after saving an entity to the database.

This method is called for both insert and update actions.

eventData structure


Fired before inserting an entity into the database.

eventData structure


Fired after inserting an entity into the database.

eventData structure


Fired before updating an entity in the database.

eventData structure


Fired after updating an entity in the database.

eventData structure


Fired before deleting a entity from the database.

eventData structure


Fired after deleting a entity from the database.

eventData structure

Last updated