

Quick is an ORM (Object Relational Mapper) written in CFML for CFML. It provides an ActiveRecord and Service-based implementation for working with your database. With it you can map database tables to components, create relationships between components, query and manipulate data, and persist all your changes to your database.

Curious why you would want to use Quick? Check out our explanation here.


You need the following configured before using Quick:

  • Configure a default datasource in your CFML engine

  • ColdBox 5+

  • Add a mapping for quick in your Application.cfc

  • Configure your BaseGrammar in config/ColdBox.cfc

See Getting Started for more details.

Supported Databases

Quick supports all databases supported by qb.


Here's a "quick" example to whet your appetite.

We'll show the database structure using a migrations file. This isn't required to use quick, but it is highly recommended.

// 2017_11_10_122835_create_users_table.cfc
component {

    function up() {
        schema.create( "users", function( table ) {
            table.increments( "id" );
            table.string( "username" ).unique();
            table.string( "email" ).unique();
            table.string( "password" );
            table.timestamp( "createdDate" );
            table.timestamp( "updatedDate" );
        } );

// User
component extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" {

    // the name of the table is the pluralized version of the model
    // this would be `users`
    // fields in a table should be mapped as properties
    property name="username";
    // both of these points can be configured on a per-entity basis

// handlers/Users.cfc
component {

    // /users/:id
    function show( event, rc, prc ) {
        // this finds the User with an id of 1 and retrieves it
        prc.user = getInstance( "User" ).findOrFail( );
        event.setView( "users/show" );

<!-- views/users/show.cfm -->
    <h1>Hi, #prc.user.getUsername()#!</h1>

Now that you've seen an example, dig in to what you can do with Quick!

Prior Art, Acknowledgements, and Thanks

Quick is backed by qb. Without qb, there is no Quick.

Quick is inspired heavily by Eloquent in Laravel. Thank you Taylor Otwell and the Laravel community for a great library.

Development of Quick is sponsored by Ortus Solutions. Thank you Ortus Solutions for investing in the future of CFML.

Development of Quick 3.0.0 was heavily sponsored and tested by AvoyaTravel.

Last updated