Why Quick?

Coming from <cfquery> or queryExecute?

You might be thinking, I don't need an ORM engine. I don't even know what ORM means! I know SQL backwards and forwards so there's nothing an ORM can offer me. Maybe you've had experience with other ORM engines, whether CFML-based or not, and the experience was less that ideal. Why should you consider Quick?

Quick's ORM philosophy comes down to three main points:

  1. Give relevant names to important collections of SQL code. (scopes, relationships, etc.)

  2. Make queries easy to compose at runtime to get the exact data you want in the most efficient way (subselects, eager loading, etc.)

  3. Get out of your way when you need or want to write barebones SQL.

Coming from Hibernate?

Quick was built out of lessons learned and persistent challenges in developing complex RDBMS applications using built-in Hibernate ORM in CFML.

  • Hibernate ORM error messages often obfuscate the actual cause of the error

    because they are provided directly by the Java classes.

  • Complex CFML Hibernate ORM applications can consume significant memory and

    processing resources, making them cost-prohibitive and inefficient when used

    in microservices architecture.

  • Hibernate ORM is tied to the engine releases. This means that updates come

    infrequently and may be costly for non-OSS engine users.

  • Hibernate ORM is built in Java. This limits contributions from CFML

    developers who don't know Java or don't feel comfortable contributing to a

    Java project.

  • Hibernate ORM doesn't take advantage of a lot of dynamic- and

    meta-programming available in CFML. (Tools like CBORM have helped to bridge

    this gap.)

We can do better.

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