Relationship Aggregates


One common type of subselect field is the count of related entites. For instance, you may want to load a Post or a list of Posts with the count of Comments on each Post. You can reuse your existing relationship definitions and add this count using the withCount method.

Adds a count of related entities as a subselect property. Relationships can be constrained at runtime by passing a struct where the key is the relationship name and the value is a function to constrain the query.

By default, you will access the returned count using the relationship name appended with Count, i.e. comments will be available under commentsCount.

var post = getInstance( "Post" )
	.withCount( "comments" )
	.findOrFail( 1 );

You can alias the count attribute using the AS syntax as follows:

var post = getInstance( "Post" )
	.withCount( "comments AS myCommentsCount" )
	.findOrFail( 1 );

This is especially useful as you can dynamically constrain counts at runtime using the same struct syntax as eager loading with the with function.

var post = getInstance( "Post" )
	.withCount( [
	    "comments AS allCommentsCount",
	    { "comments AS pendingCommentsCount": function( q ) {
	        q.where( "approved", 0 );
	    } },
	    { "comments AS approvedCommentsCount": function( q ) {
	        q.where( "approved", 1 );
	    } }
	] )
	.findOrFail( 1 );


Note that where possible it is cleaner and more readable to create a dedicated relationship instead of using dynamic constraints. In the above example, the Post entity could have pendingComments and approvedComments relationships. Dynamic constraints are more useful when applying user-provided data to the constraints, like searching.


Adds a sum of an attribute of related entities as a subselect property. Relationships can be constrained at runtime by passing a struct where the key is the relationship name and the value is a function to constrain the query.

By default, you will access the returned sum using the relationship name prepended with total, i.e. purchases.amount will be available under totalPurchases.

var user = getInstance( "User" )
	.withSum( "purchases.amount" )
	.findOrFail( 1 );

You can alias the count attribute using the AS syntax as follows:

var user = getInstance( "User" )
	.withSum( "purchases.amount AS totalPurchaseAmount" )
	.findOrFail( 1 );

This is especially useful as you can dynamically constrain counts at runtime using the same struct syntax as eager loading with the with function.

var user = getInstance( "User" )
	.withCount( [
	    { "purchases.amount AS totalSingleQuantityPurchases": function( q ) {
	        q.where( "quantity", 1 );
	    } },
	    { "purchases.amount AS totalMultipleQuantityPurchases": function( q ) {
	        q.where( "quantity", ">", 1 );
	    } }
	] )
	.findOrFail( 1 );


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