Defining An Entity

To get started with Quick, you need an entity. You start by extending quick.models.BaseEntity.

// User.cfc
component extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" {}

Alternatively, you can use the quick virtual inheritance mapping in ColdBox 5.2+.

component quick {}

Both are equivalent, so use the one you prefer. That's all that is needed to get started with Quick. There are a few defaults of Quick worth mentioning here.


We don't need to tell Quick what table name to use for our entity. By default, Quick uses the pluralized name of the component for the table name. That means for our User entity Quick will assume the table name is users. You can override this by specifying a table metadata attribute on the component.

// User.cfc
component table="my_users" extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" {}

Primary Key

By default, Quick assumes a primary key of id. The name of this key can be configured by setting variables._key in your component.

// User.cfc
component extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" {

    variables._key = "user_id";


Quick also assumes a key type that is auto-incrementing. If you would like a different key type, define a function called `keyType` and return the key type from that function.

// User.cfc
component extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" {

    function keyType() {
        return variables._wirebox.getInstance( "UUIDKeyType@quick" );


Quick ships with the following key types:

  • AutoIncrementingKeyType

  • NullKeyType

  • ReturningKeyType

  • UUIDKeyType

keyType can be any component that adheres to the keyType interface, so feel free to create your own and distribute them via ForgeBox.

interface displayname="KeyType" {

    * Called to handle any tasks before inserting into the database.
    * Recieves the entity as the only argument.
    public void function preInsert( required entity );

    * Called to handle any tasks after inserting into the database.
    * Recieves the entity and the queryExecute result as arguments.
    public void function postInsert( required entity, required struct result );



You specify what columns are retrieved by adding properties to your component.

// User.cfc
component extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" {

    property name="id";
    property name="username";
    property name="email";


Now, only the id, username, and email columns will be retrieved.

Note: Make sure to include the primary key (id by default) as a property.


To prevent Quick from mapping a property to the database add the persistent="false" attribute to the property.

// User.cfc
component extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" {

    property name="bcrypt" inject="@BCrypt" persistent="false";

    property name="id";
    property name="username";
    property name="email";



If the column name in your table is not the column name you wish to use in quick, you can alias it using the column metadata attribute.

component extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" {

    property name="id";
    property name="username" column="user_name";
    property name="countryId" column="FK_country_id";


Null Values

To work around CFML's lack of null, you can use the nullValue and convertToNull attributes.

nullValue defines the value that is considered null for a property. By default it is an empty string. ("")

convertToNull is a flag that, when false, will not try to insert null in to the database. By default this flag is true.

component extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" {

    property name="id";
    property name="number" convertToNull="false";
    property name="title" nullValue="REALLY_NULL";


Read Only

The readOnly attribute will prevent setters, updates, and inserts to a property when set to true.

component extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" {

    property name="id";
    property name="createdDate" readonly="true";


SQL Type

In some cases you will need to specify an exact SQL type for your property. Any value set for the sqltype attribute will be used when inserting or updating the property in the database.

component extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" {

    property name="id";
    property name="number" sqltype="cf_sql_varchar";



The casts attribute allows you to use a value in your CFML code as a certain type while being a different type in the database. A common example of this is a boolean which is usually represented as a BIT in the database.

component extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" {

    property name="id";
    property name="active" casts="boolean";


Currently, only boolean is supported as a cast type.

Insert & Update

You can prevent inserting and updating a property by setting the insert or update attribute to false.

component extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" {

    property name="id";
    property name="email" column="email" update="false" insert="true";


Formula, Computed, or Subselect properties

Quick handles formula, computed, or subselect properties using query scopes and the addSubselect helper method. Check out the docs in query scopes to learn more.

Multiple datasource support

Quick uses a default datasource and default grammar, as described here. If you are using multiple datasources you can override default datasource by specifying a datasource metadata attribute on the component. If your extra datasource has a different grammar you can override your grammar as well by specifying a grammar attribute.

// User.cfc
component datasource="myOtherDatasource" grammar="PostgresGrammar" extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" {}

At the time of writing Valid grammar options are: MySQLGrammar, PostgresGrammar, MSSQLGrammar and OracleGrammar. Please check the qb docs for additional options.

Last updated

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